That’s right, you can integrate NetSuite with HubSpot using Integration Fox.

NetSuite and HubSpot by Integration Fox Integration Overview
The Most Powerful NetSuite + HubSpot Integration Available. Enable your CRM and ERP to work together optimally.
We've spent years refining our NetSuite + HubSpot integration. Our managed service means there's no software to learn, no complicated, time-consuming setup process. Let our team of experts do the heavy lifting while you focus on your business.
Sync NetSuite Customer, Contacts, Opportunity, Estimate, SalesOrder and Invoice into your HubSpot Companies, Contacts & Deals. Leverage the strength of both platforms . Don't get stuck in a box with the limitations of other integrations.
Integration features
Sync all your NetSuite Customer Data to and from HubSpot
Valuable information and key profile data syncs to HubSpot for use in lead scoring, smart lists, workflows, content personalization, and more.
Close the Loop with Lifecycle Stage and Revenue Reporting
When the NetSuite customer status syncs to HubSpot, you can advance HubSpot lifecycle stages accordingly. When HubSpot knows which of your leads converted to customers, you win with reporting and automation. Unlock potential - Add-on Dashboards, revenue reporting, list segmentation and workflows.
Integration Details

- On conflict prefer: NetSuite
- Create on NetSuite always
- Create on HubSpot if conditions are met

- On conflict prefer: NetSuite
- Create on NetSuite if conditions are met
- Create on HubSpot if conditions are met

- On conflict prefer: NetSuite
- Create on NetSuite if conditions are met
- Create on HubSpot if conditions are met

- On conflict prefer: HubSpot
- Create on NetSuite if conditions are met
- Create on HubSpot never

- On conflict prefer: NetSuite
- Create on NetSuite never
- Create on HubSpot never

- On conflict prefer: NetSuite
- Create on NetSuite never
- Create on HubSpot never

- On conflict prefer: NetSuite
- Create on NetSuite never
- Create on HubSpot never

- On conflict prefer: NetSuite
- Create on NetSuite never
- Create on HubSpot always

- On conflict prefer: NetSuite
- Create on NetSuite never
- Create on HubSpot never